ul. Energetyków 11
47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle
Historical background:
A decision to build a power plant was made in 1953. The investment was located on the site of the former industrial CHP plant, and its main building (currently the management building) and the elements of infrastructure have preserved.
The construction was carried out in the years 1955-1968. On October 30th 1957 the first unit of the Blachownia Power Plant was synchronized with the national power system.
In December 2014, Blachownia Manufacturing Plant became a part of a new company formed by AMP S.A. and TAURON Polska Energia S.A. – TAMEH HOLDING sp. z o.o.
General characteristics of the Blachownia Generation Plant:
TAMEH POLSKA sp. z o.o. The Blachownia Generation Plant produces electric energy and heat in cogeneration. Coke-oven gas is the only fuel used for production.
The gas is supplied from ArcelorMittal Poland S.A. Branch in Zdzieszowice through the gas network of Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o. Zakład Gazowniczy Branch in Zabrze to pressure reduction/measuring unit in the premises of the Blachownia Generation Plant. High pressure gas is reduced to the operating pressure of the boiler burners.
Basic technical parameters:
Parameter | Value [MW] |
Installed electric power | 165,0 |
Electricity generation capacity net | 75,0 |
Thermal output capacity | 61,0 |
Basic equipment of the Blachownia Generation Plant, working in a collector system:
- K2, K3, K5, K6, K7 – OP120 ‘PAUKER’ type boilers, each with the output of 83.7 MWt and the capacity of 120 t of steam per hour. Steam parameters: 8.5 MPa and 500°C,
- K2, K3, K5, K6, K7 boilers are adapted for combustion of coke-oven gas only.
- TG1 and TG2 turbines - extraction condensing turbines with a capacity of 55 MW each. Equipped with adjustable technological steam extraction. They produce heat of 2.4 MPa. TG1 has a new part of the BF since 1999, while TG2 since 1998,
- TG4 - 48 MW – condensing turbine.
The electric power is delivered to the energy system through the 110kV switchgear.
The main consumers of heat energy are the companies adjacent to the Plant, located in the premises of Industrial Blachownia.
Electric output capacity for the maximum deliveries of coke-oven gas – 83 MW.
Environmental aspects - current status:
The Blachownia Generation Plant in Kędzierzyn Koźle has appropriate, legally required decisions in the field of environmental protection:
- Emission of dust, gas and vapours as well as fumes and harmful substances into the air. The production processes at the Plant are fully monitored in order to fully comply with the binding emission standards.
- The Plant has waste management system that covers:
- deep and effective waste segregation and selective waste collection and storage,
- safe temporary collection of waste at the site of the CHP plant,
- transfer of waste for recovery or disposal to other authorised economic operators holding adequate permissions.
- Noise emission. Technical solutions applied in the power plant in order to reduce noise result in the fact that at present the operation of the Plant does not exceed the legally permissible standards.
- In the Blachownia Generation Plant the potential threats to the environment in connection with possible soil contamination are identified. As a result of such identification, technical protections against pollution or contamination of soil and ground water are applied by sealing the area with a non-absorbent surface in the places where raw materials and waste are stored.
- The plant keeps the binding parameters of the generated wastewater using appropriate technical equipment and monitors the amount of consumed water and the amount of generated wastewater.
Within the scope of its activities TAMEH POLSKA sp. z o.o. Blachownia Generation Plant strives to reduce pollution introduced into the environment, to sustainably use the resources and to improve energy efficiency. The operation of installation in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard ensures the achievement of targets of the environmental policy that combines the requirements of energy production with the care for natural environment.