September 2022
The 65th anniversary of Blachownia Power Plant
On March 15 participants of the 17th Scientific and Technical Conference on Effective Energy Management in Industry took part in a technical visit at TRT installation in Generation Plant Nowa in Dąbrowa Górnicza. The main focus of the conference was energy efficiency. The Top Recovery Turbine Installation (TRT) which is not only the first installation of this kind in Poland but also a unique solution in Europe is a modern, emission-free project and a model example of energy efficiency.
The Top Recovery Turbine Installation was built and put into operation in 2018. TRT installation recovers energy from blast furnace gas. The installation, which supports two blast furnaces, is based on the operation of two turbines, 12.5 MW each, the annual time of installed capacity utilization is 97% i.e. ca. 8500 hours. The annual output of electric energy is at the level of 140 GWh in a closed-circuit economy, completely emission-free. Previously, 54 thousand tons of coal had to be burnt to generate this volume of energy resulting in CO2 emission of 115 thousand ton.
* Photos – source „Energetyka Cieplna i Zawodowa” and in-house photos