
January 2019

Modernization of boilers' gas installation in Generation Plant Nowa completed

"Modernization of gas installations and adaptation of boilers OPG-230 to co-burning of hard coal and three gas fuels" was completed in Generation Plant Nowa.

The task is one of three parts of a big Project which  is focused on the adaptation of boilers  to emission requirements defined in  Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010  on industrial emissions. Investment project called  "Construction of waste gas cleaning installation and modernization of boilers OPG 230 in Generation Plant  Nowa, under implementation in TAMEH POLSKA sp. z o.o., also includes the following tasks:

  • Erection of waste gas DeSOx installation, using the semi-dry method, for boilers OPG-230 nos. 1-5 in Generation Plant Nowa,
  • Erection of  waste gas DeNOx installation for boilers OPG-230 nos. 1-5 in Generation Plant Nowa.

Works that were already completed involved modernization of gas installations and adaptation of boilers OPG-230 nos. 1,2,3,4,5 fired with hard coal and mixed gas  to co-burning of hard coal and three gas fuels i.e. mixed (bf and BOF), natural and coke oven gas. Since January 2019 each of the five boilers can burn mixed gas at 150 thou. Nm3/h. Moreover, all boilers are controlled by a computerized control and visualization system.  As a result, the modernization makes it possible to reduce  CO2 emission down to 340 thousand tons per year. It was made possible by replacing coal with gas fuel from metallurgical process.

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